Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a sample question?
Yes it is.
How will I be paid?
We can make your affiliate payouts either with BTC or Paypal.
How long are affiliate tracking cookies valid?
Visitor tracking cookies are valid for 120 days.
Can I use an affiliate link to sign-up for my own account?
No, you cannot signup and earn a commission purchasing services using your own affiliate link.
Do you pay commissions for domain names?
No, we do not pay commissions for domain names.
When are affiliate payouts made?
Affiliate payouts are sent out the first week of each month.
When and why are my sales being reviewed?
Every sale that is 90 days old goes through a process that we call a “good standing sale” review. We check, among other things, if the referred client’s account is still active with us and whether the account is actively used based on various criteria (eg. have they started building the website and uploading content, have they pointed their domain to our servers, are they using email service, and more). We do this to predict how likely is the client to continue using their accounts in the long term, as this is when our return on your affiliate commission investment comes. This is essentially the nature of all hosting affiliate marketing programs and this process helps hosts to predict and manage the risk of returning their marketing investment.
For which hosting products will I receive commissions?
Affiliates get paid for sales for any of the following hosting services: Shared, Cloud, VPS, Dedicated Servers, and Reseller packages. Other hosting services sales such as domain names or additional features are not subject to commissions. There is no limitation for the billing cycle of the sale – Bitcoinwebhosting pays even for 1 month sales. If the sale is for a 1 month billing cycle, the total price of the item must be equal to or bigger than $45 USD.
Why do we extend the review period for some sales?
On average, a customer takes less than 90 days to start building his/her website and actively use their hosting accounts. Yet, there are some clients that take longer, and instead of simply canceling affiliate commissions for sales that are not in good standing yet, we give them another chance by extending the hold period for them. We can extend a sale up to three times for 30 days. Most hosts will simply cancel the commission if the sale is not in good standing on the 30th day, but we feel it is fairer for our partners to still compensate them for bringing us clients in good standing, even if this happens with a delay. Hey, better late than never, right?
Can I request a custom banner for my affiliate campaign?
Yes, you can request a custom banner for your affiliate campaign. Contact us via the Help Center and describe the banner you need. Simply specify: Banner size (width x height in pixel) Dynamic or static banner Web hosting product you would like to advertise (e.g. Web Hosting, Cloud, VPS, etc.) We will do our best to create it and send it to you as soon as possible.